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Campus Behavior Plan

The staff and students of Sam Houston Elementary, strive for academic excellence by setting high expectations both academically and behaviorally.  We believe that everyone has the right to experience a safe and friendly school environment.  Therefore, our staff and students here at Sam Houston Elementary will practice appropriate decision-making under the following framework:


  1. Respect all people and property.
  2. Listen to and follow directions.
  3. Practice safety.
  4. Be on time and have the necessary materials.
  5. Make the right choice for your voice.


Positive Consequences

Sam Houston Elementary's faculty and staff provide positive reinforcements to students who behave appropriately.  We make ourselves visible and seek out students who are behaving responsibly.  We strive to create a positive environment throughout our school. Positive reinforcements are provided to students, groups of students, or to an entire class.  The reinforcements can be in forms of:

  • Praise
  • Awards
  • Positive notes to parents
  • Positive phone calls to parents
  • Shopping in the Titan Incentive Store
  • Special privileges
  • Class Incentives

Please contact us for/or with any of your questions or concerns